Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Play Guitar Like Prince [Video Tutorial]

How to Play Guitar Like Prince [Video Tutorial] Maile Proctor The world was stunned on Thursday morning when news broke that music legend Prince had died at the age of 57. Fans, celebrities, and fellow musicians took to Twitter to share their reactions, memories, and condolences. Shortly after, various tributes sprung up all over the internet, as the world mourned the music icon. One of the best ways to honor the late star is to share his (many)talents. Celebrate Prince and learn to play his famous guitar licks in this video from Jonathan B How to Play Guitar Like Prince Want to see these guitar licks and techniques in action? Check out Princes Super Bowl XLI performance here! Well never forget Prince and his contributions to music and the world. What’s your favorite Prince song? What will you remember most about the legendary musician? Post Author:  Jonathan B. Jonathan B. is a guitar instructor, Temple University Music Theory graduate, and YouTube creator living in State College, PA. Learn more about Jonathan  here! Photo by  Sound Opinions Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

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